In every Tennessee classroom, teaching and learning looks different based on the textbooks, curricula, and lessons that
the school and teacher have chosen. State
leaders have a responsibility to make sure these varied learning opportunities are preparing all students for college, career, and life.
Our state tests serve multiple objectives:
• Provide feedback about students’ academic progress and how it aligns with grade-level expectations
• Give parents and teachers a big-picture perspective about how a student is progressing compared to peers across the district and state, including a student’s strengths and growth opportunities
• Build confidence and transparency about students’
readiness for post secondary and the workforce among Tennessee colleges, universities, and employers
• Help educators strengthen instruction and reflect on their practice
• Hold us accountable to serving all students fairly
• Highlight schools where students are excelling, so we can learn from those who are doing well
In the link below, you will find details about TNReady, how long they will spend testing, what types of questions will be on the test, and more. Our goal is to help you prepare your child to learn and succeed everyday. If you have additional questions after reading this guide, please contact the school.