Friday, November 1, 2019

November Tidbits

  1. Review that report card 
    Pay careful attention to all report cards, but particularly the first one. You want to get help for any problem areas before your child falls too far behind. Ask your child's teacher how grades are determined and for suggestions on how your student can improve. Review grades and the teacher's comments with your child—always starting with something she's/he's doing well, then pointing out areas that need attention, and ending with something positive again.
  2. Encourage creativity 
    Urge your children to enter the National PTA Reflections arts contest. They can submit works of art in six categories: visual arts (such as painting, drawing, or collage), literature, musical composition, photography, film production, and dance choreography. This year's theme is “Diversity Means…” Contact your local PTA for additional details or go to
  3. Make over your meals 
    November is National PTA's Healthy Lifestyles Month, so think carefully about what your kids are eating at home and in school. For more healthy eating and lunch-packing tips, go to and
  4. Be a good citizen 
    Your child will be learning about good citizenship and they'll be thrilled to go with you when you cast your ballot on November 8. Go to to learn more about how government works.
  5. Give thanks 
    This month's Thanksgiving holiday is the perfect time to talk with your children about all the freedoms the United States has to offer its citizens. Help your children explore what life was like here during the first Thanksgiving at the Library of Congress website:

    Checkout the following website for more information!