Sunday, December 2, 2018

December Parent Tips from the U.S. Department of Education

 WSE wishes you and your family a Happy Holiday Season! Below are some Parent Tips for the month of December.


  1. Get ready for flu season Amp up the reminders about washing hands frequently—particularly when kids get home from school, sports, and other activities. Pay attention to school websites and newsletters for alerts about flu or other illness outbreaks. Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website ( for up-to-date information and the latest prevention advice. And be sure your family gets flu shots.
  2. Help end bullying Take the time to talk with your children about bullying. Go to and to learn what you can do as a parent to instill an attitude of acceptance in your children and learn more about bullying. 
  3. Remember the teacher A simple holiday token is nice if you can swing it. Teachers particularly appreciate cards from their students, and gift cards for their favorite book, crafts, or office-supply stores. Teachers often replenish classroom supplies out of their own pay, so gift cards help cut the cost.
  4. Practice cyber safety If your children will be spending more time online during the winter break, or if they get a new laptop or smartphone as a gift, be sure to review family rules and online behavior.
    Children are encouraged to continue to read and complete AR tests, and lessons in Zearn and i-Ready at home over the holiday break.  

WSE December Calendar


Rotary Luncheon
Spelling Bee
College and Career Day  
Math Hall of Fame
Science Bowl
Bridge to Middle School
Holiday Program Grades 3-5
8:30 am and 6:00 pm
Winter Parties
1:00 pm
Faculty and Student Volleyball Game
Dec 19- Jan 7
Winter Break

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


  1. Review progress reports Pay careful attention to all progress reports, it will be coming soon if your child hasn't received it yet. You want to get help for any problem areas before your child falls too far behind. Ask your child's teacher how grades are determined and for suggestions on how your student can improve. Review grades and the teacher's comments with your child—always starting with something she's doing well, then pointing out areas that need attention, and ending with something positive again.
  2. Encourage creativity Urge your children to enter the National PTA Reflections arts contest. They can submit works of art in six categories: visual arts (such as painting, drawing, or collage), literature, musical composition, photography, film production, and dance choreography. This year's theme is “Diversity Means…” Contact your local PTA for additional details or go to
  3. Make over your meals November is National PTA's Healthy Lifestyles Month, so think carefully about what your kids are eating at home and in school. Ask your school lunch director for nutritional information if it isn't available. Work with your PTA and school district to improve the menu if necessary. For more healthy eating and lunch-packing tips, go to and
  4. Give thanks This month's Thanksgiving holiday is the perfect time to talk with your children about all the freedoms the United States has to offer its citizens. Help your children explore what life was like here during the first Thanksgiving at the Library of Congress website:

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October News and Updates

  1. Fuel up- Children who eat a healthy breakfast each day have more energy available for learning. Try simple, protein-loaded options like homemade scrambled-egg-and-cheese breakfast burritos, waffles smeared with nut butter, or yogurt-and-fruit smoothies.
  2. Become a Volunteer- Volunteers can assist the classroom teacher in many ways. Ask the teacher what his or her specific needs are this year.
  3. Connect with your child's teachers- Many schools schedule parent meetings and school wide events in October. Attending these events should be a priority for all parents and guardians. This is your chance to see how things are going with your children and to partner with their teachers on improving performance. National PTA has created grade by-grade Parent Guides that can be a resource for what to discuss at school meetings. Find out more at

    College and Career Day
    End of Nine Weeks
    Fall Make-up Pictures
    (uniforms required)
    Parent Data Night 5:30
    Red Ribbon Week
    Report Cards Issued
    Math Hall of Fame
    Science Bowl
    Parent Meeting 8:00 am
    Honor's Program 8:30 am
    Trunk or Treat 4-6
    Walk-A-Thon Pep Rally

Sunday, September 2, 2018

WSE September Activities

Labor Day
Penny Wars
  3rd Grade Dictionary Project
College and Career Day
Yankee Candle Ends
Fall Pictures
Uniform Required
Progress Reports Issued
Parent/ Teacher Conference Night
Goodies with Grandparents
Student Council Election
Chick-fil-a Night
Beta Club Induction
Math Hall of Fame
Science Bowl

September TIPS for Parents

Image result for september images

  1. Reach out to your kids'teachers Attend meet-the teacher night, orientation, or other welcome events, but don't stop there. Make a point of introducing yourself and learning about class activities and expectations for the year. Find out how each teacher prefers to communicate.
    Many use e-mail as the main form of contact, but phone calls and conferences (make an appointment first) are usually welcome, too. For more advice on building a parent-teacher relationship that will last the entire year, as well as links to all the websites featured in this guide, go to
  2. Get in the groove Establish healthy at-home routines for school days, such as consistent waking times and getting-ready patterns. Decide on a regular homework time, and create a comfortable, quiet work space. Set bedtimes that allow elementary-age kids to get 10 to 12 hours of sleep.
  3. Time things right Stay on top of everyone's school, activity, and work schedules with a free online calendar or a smartphone app.
  4. Pack smart Make sure your child's backpack never weighs more than 10 to 20 percent of his body weight; heavy packs can strain developing muscles and joints. Encourage your child to use both straps, and tighten them so the pack hangs close to the body, about two inches above your child's waist.
  5. Commit to volunteering With help from parents like you, your school can offer many more programs and services for your kids. Join our PTO and ask about volunteer opportunities in the school community and your children's classrooms. National PTA's “Three for Me” campaign encourages parents to pledge to volunteer at least three hours during the school year. Go to for more information.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Welcome Spartans!

Welcome Spartans, New and Old! The first day of school is Monday, August 6. Here are some tips to make sure your FIRST day of school is a GREAT first day!!


Sunday, July 22, 2018

We are Gearing up for the Start of School! Join us for Gear Up Day, July 31.

July 31
Gear Up Day
PTO Membership Drive
Aug 1
KK New Parent Orientation  5:30
Aug 6
First Day of School
Staggered entry of KK
Aug 13
Parents and Pastries (Parents New to WSE)
Aug 16
Adopters Breakfast 9:00
Aug 17
Summer Packets Due
Grades 1-5 Independence Day
Aug 23
KK Pictures
Aug 23
Yankee Candle
K-2 (1:25), 3-5 (1:45)
Aug 23
Title 1 Meeting/
Curriculum Night 5:30
Aug 24
Title 1 Morning Meeting, Bullying Workshop (8:00)
Aug 24
Skate Night (6-9)
Aug 27
KK Independence Day
Aug 30
Donuts with Dads 7:30
Aug 31
Donuts with Dads 7:30

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

It's almost that time of year again!

Here are 10 back to school tips to kick-start the new year and get you prepared for a fresh start.

1. Get back into your sleep routine. To help eradicate those stressful school mornings, set up a regular bedtime and morning time routine to help prepare your child for school. Begin your usual school sleep routine about a week or so before school starts.
2. Shop for school supplies together. To get your child excited about starting a new grade, shop for supplies together. Allow them to pick out their own backpack, lunchbox, etc. This is a great way to give them a little bit of responsibility too! Check out the WSE website for a list of required supplies for each grade level.
3. Re-establish school routines. Have your child practice getting back into the rhythm of their daily school routine. You can do this by having them wake up at the same time every day, and eat around the same time they would at school. About a week or so before school starts, plan a few outside activities where your child will have to leave and come home around the same time they would if they were in school. This will help them be rested and ready for the big day.
4. Set up a homework station. Sit down with your child and together designate a time and place where he can do his homework each day. This can be somewhere quiet like in the den, or even in the kitchen while you are preparing dinner. Make sure to choose a time where you are available in case your child needs your help.
5. Complete Summer Reading and Math Requirements- It is a good for your child to continue to read and practice skills learned from the previous year. Print the reading and math packets from the WSE website and have your child complete the activities before school begins. Choose some books from the appropriate reading list on the WSE website and read/discuss books with your child.
6. Make an after-school game plan. Make a plan for where your child will go after school lets out for the day. This will help eliminate any confusion during the first few weeks.
7. Turn off the TV and video games. For a lot of children summertime is filled with endless video games and TV programs. Ease your child into the learning process by limiting electronics and encouraging them to read or play quietly.
8. Review school material and information. Check the WSE and SCS websites for important dates and information. Make sure that you read through this information carefully, and mark down all important dates on your calendar.
9. Get organized. The best way to prepare for back to school time is to be organized. With school comes a massive amount of paperwork which can consume your household. Designate a spot in your house for homework, permission slips, and any other school-related papers. This can help eliminate all of that paper clutter and make your life less stressful.
10. Get your child’s yearly checkup. School and germs go hand in hand, so it’s best to get your child’s yearly checkup before school even starts. Get any required vaccinations and ask your pediatrician the best ways your child can stay healthy throughout the school year.