Friday, May 10, 2019

Summer Tips

  1. Challenge your children to a read-a-thon  
    See who can read the most books this summer, with each one slightly more challenging than the last. Make it happen by setting a designated family reading time, when the whole gang curls up with a good book, parents included.
  2. Minimize summer brain drain  
    Look for fun ways to keep your children's academic skills sharp during the warm weather ahead. Consider signing them up for camps, and visit nature centers, museums, and libraries as a family. 

     Image result for summer images

    Make sure to check the WSE website for summer work packets and calendar updates. WSE wishes you all a fun and relaxing summer break. We look forward to an exciting 2019-2020 school year. 

    Here is a link for an article about how to keep your children engaged over summer break.

Friday, May 3, 2019

WSE MAY Calendar

Field Day Tickets Presale
Teacher Appreciation Week
4th and 5th Grade Washington DC Trip
Redbirds Trip
(Guys in Ties and Girls in Pearls)
Redbirds Trip
(Chorus and Drum Club)
Volunteer Reception
Career Day
Field Day
Beach Book Swap
AR Party
Basketball Game
KK Graduation: 8:15
5th Grade Graduation: 10:45
1st-4th Honor's Program 1:30