Sunday, January 12, 2020

January Tidbits

Hello Parents,

We will have our Winter Illuminate FastBridge Screener and iReady Diagnostic assessments for Reading and Math this month. Talk with your children about the importance of taking their time and listening to directions. These assessments give teachers and parents valuable insight on how students are performing, areas of strength and areas of need. Here are a few more tidbits from the Department of Education for the month of January:

  1. Make a winter-weather plan 
    Have an advance plan for snow days or sick days. Can another family member or neighbor care for your kids while you work? Make sure you have a safety kit in case of power outages; have your children help assemble it so they get a lesson in emergency preparation, too. Get more tips at
  2. Be a meteorologist 
    Winter months are a great time to introduce budding minds to the science behind weather patterns and how to predict them. You'll find plenty of weather resources for kids in the “ Earth Sciences” section of
  3. Dream big 
    Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 16 by encouraging your kids to complete the sentence “I have a dream that…,” and then e-mail, tweet, or post on Facebook their own hopes for the future.


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